Monday, 20 January 2014

SEE The Face Of The Nun Who Had A baby And Claims She Never Knew She Was Pregnant

The 33-year-old woman is nun with order of the Little Disciples of Jesus. Sister Roxana initially claimed to have no idea that she was pregnant.This is the first picture of nun and new mother Roxana Rodriguez.

Sister Roxana initially claimed to have no idea that she was pregnant and thought her labour pains were 'stomach cramps' when an ambulance rushed her to hospital in severe pain after being called by fellow nuns when she collapsed at her nunnery.

Her picture was published in the Italian daily newspaper Corriere Della Sera, who have carried out an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the birth of 9lb Francis and have spoken to the the social
She told her social worker Anna Fontanella:'I am so happy. I feel more of a mother than a nun, I think that's obvious. I decided to call him Francis in honour of our wonderful south American Pope. I do not feel of guilt. I will be keeping him and bringing him up.

The nun had only arrived in Italy last summer at the nunnery in Rieti and has told officials that the father is a man from her native El Salvador but she has so far not named him.

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