Monday, 8 July 2013

What do you think about this Equal responsibilities in a Marriage?Let us have your view.

For a marriage to succeed, both parties in the marriage have to be working together towards the same goal – which is the success of the marriage. Successful marriages today are not successful because the wives are super women or because the women have learned the act of keeping my home as our society would have us believe. Couples are happily married because both husband and wife  are both committed to making our marriage work. Growing up, I heard many tales of how the success of a marriage was entirely up to woman. The way she built her home will determine how well the home will stand. While this is true to some extent, the men seem to have been told they have no role to play in ensuring the success of their marriage – it seems they too believe that it is all down to the women to make it work. If a woman is doing all she can to keep her home together but has an uncooperative husband, then that marriage has no chance of success.
I was watching a Nigerian talk show a few years ago and they were talking about how much the Nigerian woman has to sacrifice to make her marriage work. I mean it is the same story I have heard all my life. What sacrifices are the men advised to make? I have never heard the men being told how to be good husbands, how to be good providers and how the success of their marriage is also dependent on them. I always tell my friends and even parents that the pressure on the Nigerian woman is way too much and unrealistic. A man is unfaithful and has several girlfriends, yet his wife is asked to pray and be patient afterall there must be a reason why her husband is promiscuous. Does she give him sex when he demands? Is she still as slim as when she met him? A woman is frustrated after being a breadwinner for the last 8 years of her marriage and people ask her if she is giving her husband enough encouragement to fulfil his dreams? I really don’t get how the irresponsibilities of some of these Nigerian men are blamed on their wives. A man doesn’t respect the vows he made before God and man to love his wife above all else and cherish her and suddenly his wife is to blame because she isn’t doing enough? I have heard stories of women who are told to endure domestic violence sometimes even by the Pastors because it is a sign of failure that they were unable to keep a marriage. These poor battered women are supposed to be patient and keep praying that one day their men will turn over a new leaf.  Well, pray and be patient until their husbands eventually kill them.
Our women are truly patient. Isn’t it about time that men are told the truth? That they have to put in as much effort as their wives to make a marriage work. The woman is no magician – she can’t force her man to stay faithful, neither can she force him to be responsible. She can only ensure that she is doing her own part to make her marriage succeed. She certainly can’t be the only party in a two party relationship trying to make it work as she is bound to fail. It might be a bit too late for this generation of men but perhaps we can bring up our sons to understand that the success of their marriage will be dependant on the two people who are in the marriage. We should tell our younger brothers that they also have a role to play in ensuring the success of their marriage and their wives like them are human and can only do so much.
Above all, we should support our women when it appears they have tried all they can but sadly their men refused to grow up. We shouldn’t put them down if their marriages fail because we have been wrongly told that the failure of a marriage is as a result of some mysterious inadequacy on the part of the woman. Most importantly, young women should understand what marriage means to their potential life partners – it is never too early to have these discussions while dating. From the man’s words and actions while dating, a woman should be able to tell whether he understands his responsibilities in a marriage. Both partners must be on the same page to give their partnership –in this case marriage, a good chance of success.

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