Friday, 22 November 2013

A piece of my Heart:Dining with the enemy

 Friends, please take out time to review your friendship especially those ones that we describe as 'more than a friend', 'the sister I never had', 'the brother I never had', etc. We have our different ways of qualifying those that 'stood by' us over the years, sadly we assume they love us and pour our heart to them. This is not always the case.

There are rare gems, there are monitoring spirits. Please reflect on this. That one friend that refused to leave when others left you in your challenged state might not be an angel, he/she might just be there to monitor your progress and ensure you don't rise above his/her sorry status.

They don't grow, we can detect if we take out our time to review that 'Friendship'. They always want to know where you are, what you are doing, make trips you have made, etc.. very importantly, they are the ones who never get angry, they are quick to remind you how old your friendship is, these tactics to keep you distracted.

You will be weak when stories unfold, you will be surprised when you listen to what they say to other victims about you. They quote ur offences with dates and time, they try to pull you down by all means. They are deceitful, liars, pretenders, cunning, evil, envious, wicked, and charming, yes charming!

Time for work, my alarm just reminded me. I have learnt the hard way, don't! When everyone warns you, please reflect on their warning, everyone can't be wrong everytime. The heart of man is desperately wicked, the bible records that.

Good news is I remain a Victor, because I am not a monitoring spirit. Please check that Friend today so you don't become a poet like me. God help us all!



Anonymous said...

dis is deep!

Anonymous said...

who is that pest threatening my ogunola olubunmi deinde,they are everywhere o,but trust me,they'wld fall 4 our Sake

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